Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Day

Three inches of snow turned today into a snow day for us!  Thankfully, my call came at 5:23 this morning so I had plenty of time to shut down the alarm clocks in our room and Lorin's room and crawl back into bed.  Unfortunately, sleep was hard to come by after being up!  I did mange to stay in bed until 8, but it was mostly light dozing which really doesn't count as sleep when you have kids!  After running a few errands and visiting Nana, we headed home to play in the snow.  Lorin couldn't get ready fast enough.  Levi wanted no part of it!  He was not happy with the snow boots and gloves.  Don't get me started on the fiasco that was me trying to put him in snow pants!  Finally, I stripped all of his snow gear off, threw on his coat and tennis shoes and let him play on the porch while Lorin and I built a snowman in the front yard.  When Brad got home, he was finally able to get him into snow boots, but that's as far was we got with snow gear!  Days like today make me wonder if his stubbornness is due to autism or if he inherited that from me.  I'm going to keep telling myself that he only got good traits from me and the stubbornness must be from autism!  He and I are inside now.  He's happily out of all snow gear and playing with his DS.  It amazes me to watch him play.  At 4, he's better at Mario than I am!  Meanwhile, Lorin and Brad are still outside.  They've been sledding, throwing snowballs and are now "exploring" along the creek behind our house.  When they finally come in, she'll want hot cocoa with marshmallow cream.  Much earlier than usual, she and Levi will both be ready for bed after the physical exhaustion of playing in the snow kicks in.  Overall, awesome day!  Days like today are part of why I love being a teacher.  Don't get me wrong.  I love my job.  But teaching has several perks and being able to spend snow days at home with my kids is definitely one of them!

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