Monday, February 27, 2012


For Christmas, Levi got an IPod Touch.  Our thinking for this was that he could use some of the amazing apps out there for kids with autism.  The thing is, there are so many apps out there that we don't even know where to start.  He uses a program at school called PECS.  This is a picture exchange program that allows him to communicate his wants/needs by using picture icons.  Fortunately, he also uses an IPod at school and they found an app that is nearly identical to this program.  After some searching, we found this app and were very pleasantly surprised to learn that it's extremely affordable.  This app is called Grace.  Levi has been using this app at school for about 2 months.  Until a few days ago, we hadn't tried it at home.  Most of the things that he wants at home are within his reach.  Also, we've gotten into this very bad habit of getting things for him without making him ask for them.  However, we recently purchased and downloaded the Grace app.  A few nights ago, we took pictures of items around the house that he routinely wants - chocolate milk, bananas, cheese, fruit bars, etc.  We spent a few minutes showing him the program, but he didn't seem all that interested so we didn't push it.  Then, Saturday morning rolled around.  As usual, Levi came into the kitchen and sat down to breakfast.  We already had his banana and fruit bar on the table.  As soon as he sat down he got back up, turned around, and took off running down the hall.  We had no idea what he was doing and were very surprised by it because he normally scarfs down his breakfast.  Just as soon as he left, he was back with his IPod!  Without any prompting, he opened the Grace app, put together the pictures to say "I want chocolate milk" and handed me the IPod saying I want chocolate milk.  WOW!!!  Since then, he's used the app a few other times to ask for things that he wants.  I cannot tell you how exciting this is for us!  We still have a long way to go, but what an awesome start!  We haven't used it for long, but we are total believers in the Grace app.  I fully recommend this app!  At the same time, I'm very anxious to try others.  If you have an app that you really love that might help someone with autism, please pass it on!

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