Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I made my first ever trip to the chiropractor last week.  What an experience!  For someone that does not like people in her personal space, this definitely pushed my buttons!  I found it very hard to "relax" and let the man do his job.  In the end, I'm so very relieved that I went.  However, I'm not sure I'll ever go again.  I've never had back problems before.  I know people that have chronic back pain and I have new-found respect for them after this experience.  My experience started sometime during Christmas break, I twisted the wrong way and nearly dropped to the floor from the pain that went shooting through my lower back and down into my left leg.  The sad thing is, this happened when I was bringing a box of Christmas decorations up from the basement.  I frequently lift my 70 pound 4-year-old with no trouble, but a 15 pound box of Christmas decorations nearly laid me out!  I took some Aleve, called it quits with the decorating and spent the rest of the day laying around.  Over the next month, the pain would come and go.  At times, it was almost unbearable.  Other times, it was barely noticeable.  Finally, I took a colleagues advice and called "her guy".  It was Friday, I was hurting, and they wouldn't be able to get me in until Monday.  However, by Monday the pain was gone and I debated cancelling the appointment.  In the end, I went and am now so thankful that I did.  After filling out all the insurance paperwork, they called me back.  The gal that took me to the exam room (is that what you call it at a chiropractors office?) went over a few preliminary things and then asked if I wanted a massage to help "loosen me up".  I declined this, which took her by surprise.  Apparently, not many people decline the massage.  I was already tense and was afraid that the massage would only make it worse.  Having never been to a chiropractor before, I was a little intimidated by the "equipment" in the room.  Things looked like ancient torture devices.  It was very weird!  Eventually Dr. Chiropractor came in and commented on me declining the massage.  I told him I was very nervous/apprehensive.  At that point, he directed me to one of the torture devices and began his work.  He was very good to tell me everything he was doing and why he was doing it.  Eventually, we got into the "realigning".  This was horrible.  First, the sound of bones being snapped back into place is disgusting.  I cringed every time I heard it, despite the fact that there was no physical pain to go along with the sound.  Even worse than the sound was the closeness.  At times, he was literally sitting on me and holding parts of me down while he twisted and pulled every which way.  I'm not sure if you've caught onto this, but I HATE PEOPLE IN MY PERSONAL SPACE!  This guy was no exception.  The entire thing was just horribly awkward.  I don't know how people do this routinely.  Don't get me wrong, this guy was good.  If you find yourself in the Lexington area and needing a good chiropractor, I would happily recommend this guy to you.  But, I hope I never have to see him again.  I just don't think I can deal with the sounds and the closeness of visiting the chiropractor again!    

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