Monday, April 9, 2012


ABA therapy is the "it" thing in autism right now so Brad and I have been encouraged by several people to try this with Levi.  After much searching, we found a therapist near us that our insurance has finally agreed to cover.  We finally went in today for our first session.  To sum it up in one word:  BRUTAL!  The therapist is starting by doing a screening to find out Levi's strengths and weaknesses.  From this, we'll work together to develop a plan for him.  Today, she began this screening.  She worked with Levi in the play area while I watched on a TV in her office.  For an hour, she asked him to point out body parts; pick up certain toys; repeat things that she said; point out objects on picture cards.  For an hour I watched in disbelief while he did very little of what he was being asked to do.  I cannot tell you how frustrating this was.  Some of the stuff she asked him to point out (shoulders, sheep) were things thjavascript:void(0)at I wouldn't expect him to know because they're not things we've taught him.  However, he knows some of his body parts (eyes, ears), but didn't point them out.  He knew some of toys (ball, car), but didn't pick them up.  At times, he got frustrated and began to get teary eyed.  Other times he turned his head and tried to pretend like the lady wasn't there.  And when it was all over, the therapist told me that what she completed today shows him having the language skills of an 18 month old.  My 4 years and 6 months old son has the language skills of an 18 month old!  I realize that today wasn't a true reflection of his strengths and weaknesses.  He was in a new environment being asked to do things by a total stranger with mom and dad nowhere in sight.  I know that one assessment given over a one hour time period doesn't give a true picture.  I know that he's perfectly capable of doing some of the tasks that he was ask to do.  I've seen him do them.  But watching him not do it and then being told that his initial evaluation shows that he has the language skills of an 18 month old was horrifying.  I know this little boy and the things that he can do.  I know that he's smart.  I know that he has the desire to communicate with people.  I know that he feels love and is capable of returning that feeling.  But days like today make me question whether he'll ever be able to show these things to other people.  I f 'in hate autism today!  

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