Friday, April 20, 2012

Therapy, round 2

What a difference a week makes! Brad took Levi to his ABA therapy on Monday. Apparently, he responded like a completely different kid this week. Brad said he talked with the therapist, followed commands that she gave him, and completed one and two step directions. After this session, the therapist said she's ready to move him up into the 24-36 month set of tasks. Way to go buddy! Brad and I have known all along that he's very capable we just weren't sure how to get him to show others that he's capable. Apparently, he just needs a little time to warm up to new people and/or new places. I'm so relieved that he's already warming up to his therapist and showing her what he can do. I'm really looking forward to taking him back next week and watching him "strut his stuff" for her. Thanks to everyone for the kind words and prayers in response to my last post. Our first therapy session was a tough one and it really took the wind out of my sails. I really appreciate all of the support. Thank you! On another note, Levi is having a lot of success with his PECS app at school. He's starting to communicate with the adults in his classroom without having to use the app. He's used it enough that he's learned what to say and will now engage in spontaneous "conversation" with his teachers. He still does a lot of echoing, but he is starting to make simple statements and ask questions. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for him to want something and not have the words he needs to ask for it. I'm so glad that this app is giving him a way to communicate! Another cool thing about the app is that it puts the word with the picture. Because of this, I think he's starting to recognize some of those words. He loves letters and signs so I'm thinking it's just a matter of time before he's picking up a book and reading it to us!

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