Monday, November 7, 2011


My mom (Nana) was in the delivery room when my daughter (Lorin) was born.  From that moment, the two of them have been inseparable.  From the time Lorin was one month old, they've spent at least one day together every week.  For the past few years, that day has been Monday.  Nana walks to school every Monday afternoon to get Lorin and they walk back to her house together.  I'm not exactly sure what happens during their Monday time, but I'm guessing that Lorin gets to say/do/eat whatever she wants and never hears the word "NO".  Lorin sticks around for dinner, which is often spaghetti with a side of bacon (Lorin's choice) and then she comes home around 8:00.  To them, this is sacred time and it is very rarely missed.  I love that the two of them have this relationship and am so thankful that we live in the same town so they can spend this time together.  This special time became even more important to Lorin after her brother, Levi,  was born.  Don't get me wrong - Lorin loves her brother.  But, he's her little brother and according to her he ruins everything!  So, after he was born, this time spent with Nana became even more special because it was one of the few times that she had all the attention.  Because he "ruins everything", Levi is rarely allowed to be part of this special time.  We're okay with this and have tried to keep Monday's untouched so Lorin and Nana can spend time together doing whatever it is that they do.  Recently, however, Levi has been choosing to go with Nana when she comes to get Lorin.  It happened last week and I was totally shocked, but blew it off as a fluke.  We were waiting outside in front of the school.  It was a beautiful fall day.  Nana walked to school with her two new dogs.  Lorin grabbed the leash of one dog and they started on their way.  When Levi saw them walking off, he ran to catch up.  I chalked it up to him wanting to be outside on such a nice day and being interested in the new dogs.  However, today he did it again.  It was raining after school so we were waiting inside.  Mom walked in with the dogs and asked Levi if he was staying with me or going with her and Lorin.  Without any hesitation, he grabbed a leash and started to walk off with them.  What?  The weather outside was terrible (cold and rainy).  The dogs are old news (they've been here a little over 2 months).  What is the attraction?  Why does this bother me?  This is a great thing.  Levi is making decisions and showing some independence. He's getting in his "Nana time"!   Yet, it's so bittersweet.  He's always been content to stay with me while Nana and Lorin go off on their way.  That was our time.  My baby wanted to stay with me.  My baby isn't a baby anymore.  He's becoming this little man, capable of making his own decisions.  I love this new stage he's entering!  But, it's so hard to be in those moments when I'm not his first choice.  They just don't prepare you for crap like this during those childbirth classes!     

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