Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I remember when I told my mom that I wanted to switch majors in college and instead of becoming a speech pathologist I wanted to be a teacher.  That was one of the hardest conversations that I've ever had with her.  It's not that she has something against teachers - she was a teacher for 20+ years.  However, her years of teaching in public education had her wanting more for me.  She was well aware of the low pay, the high stress, and the hours of "after hours" work that most people don't seem to realize that teachers put in.  Never-the-less, she told me that if I wanted to be a teacher she would be my biggest supporter.  So I made the switch and eventually earned a BSE.  Fifteen years later, I find myself sitting at home during Thanksgiving break full of mixed emotions in regards to education.  This is a very difficult time to be in education.  Nationwide, test scores aren't where they "should" be.  The financial outlook is bleak.  Again, it's a very difficult time to be in education.  However, for me, becoming a teacher was one of the best decisions that I've ever made.  I came home from work yesterday with notes from a few students saying that having me as their teacher is one of the things they're thankful for this holiday season.  I even got a few hugs from students as they were leaving.  I got to share stories of how my family celebrates Thanksgiving and listen to stories of how my students will celebrate the holiday.  And today, I get to share these thoughts with you while my children are chasing one another through the house pretending to be monsters.  We have plans to set up and decorate the Christmas tree this afternoon.  We're trying to decide what treats we want to make for tomorrow's feast.  And we'll probably do it all while wearing our pajamas!  Yep, it's a difficult time to be in education.  The pay isn't the best; the hours are far from "8:00 - 3:00, August to May"; the responsibility can be overwhelming; and don't get me started on the politics of it all.  But there are very few things in this world that make me happier than the gifts I've been given by becoming a teacher.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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