Friday, December 23, 2011

Stay - At - Home - Mom

I don't know how stay at home mom's do it!  The kids and I have been home for 3 days and I'm already going stir-crazy.  I love my kids more than I thought it was possible to love anyone.  I love that my job allows me to be on the same schedule that they're on.  However, I'm a type-A personality that really needs order.  Christmas break at our house is anything but orderly.  Toys that I don't even remember us having have made their way into the living room.  The piles of laundry seem to by multiplying despite the fact that we spend most of the day in our pajamas.  Just as soon as I have one meal cleaned up the kids are asking for a snack.  You'd think that with 2 weeks of no work, my to-do list would be whittling down to nothing, yet it continues to collect dust (and lengthen).  I've got 10-12 different projects going on right now, but can't seem to finish any of them because I get so easily distracted by the chaos that surrounds me.  So, I'm giving up.  The kids and I are hitting a Redbox kiosk after lunch and this afternoon will be spent snuggled up on the couch, eating popcorn, and watching movies with the kids.  The toys will continue to litter the living room.  The laundry will continue to multiply.  The pile of dishes on the counter will continue to grow.  At some point I'll throw a hissy fit about how messy the house is and how I can't get anything done.  But, for a few hours this afternoon, I'm going to enjoy being a stay-at-home-mom, even though I'll be doing it all wrong!  Once again I find myself in awe of all the stay-at-home-moms out there.  I don't know how you do it!

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