Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Braggy Moms

I always said I wasn't going to be one of those parents that constantly talks about their kids. Turns out I'm one of those parents that constantly talks about their kids! I realized this the other day when a friend asked me what support I had in dealing with Levi having autism. Turns out, one downside to living in a small, rural town is that there are limited resources available to us. We could attend support groups, but we'd have to drive into Kansas City. Right now, that's not a practical solution for us. I have some wonderful mom friends on Facebook that also have children on the spectrum. They're great to share stories with and ask questions and vent frustrations. I'm very thankful for them and for Facebook for allowing us to communicate with each other despite the fact that we lives miles apart. I also have this blog that allows me to vent my frustrations and detail my proud moments. Writing about our experiences has been a great therapy for me. Also, we're very fortunate to work with a great ABA therapist each week. Although she works primarily with Levi, she begins each session by asking how things are going. I've been able to share many things with her and receive some great tips/advice from her in return. However, my biggest "support" has been me sharing my experiences with anyone that will listen. I've become a mom that constantly talks about her kids! I want those people close to us to understand the person that Levi really is, but has trouble showing. So I talk about him. A LOT! And I'm very fortunate to have some amazing friends that let me talk about him. They share in my laughs and provide shoulders when I need to shed tears. My family is my world. Being able to share them with others is one of the greatest gifts that I've been given. If that constant talking makes me one of those "braggy moms" and that bothers you, unfriend me! Otherwise, thanks for sticking with us. It's been an adventure and it's only just begun!